Taskbar Is Visible When Fullscreen - [SOLVED]

Taskbar Is Visible When Fullscreen - [SOLVED]

Taskbar is visible when fullscreen - [SOLVED]

Taskbar Issue Fix - Describing Issue

Recently, my windows were encountered with an error.  I found the fix for that and want to share it with you guys. It's simple, easy and quick FIX.
When you have to full screen any video player or game the taskbar won't hide automatically. I was facing this issue when I open youtube video in fullscreen mode or open any video in VLC the taskbar won't hide.


Taskbar is visible when fullscreen

Taskbar is visible when fullscreen
See taskbar is visible during fullscreen
Taskbar is visible when fullscreen - FIXED
When it is fixed

How To Fix It

Step 1: 
Right-click on the Taskbar and click Task Manager.

Right click on the taskbar and click Task Manager

Step 2:  
Now click Windows Explorer and then click the Restart button which in the bottom of the Task Manager.
Click Windows Explorer and then click Restart
And wait for a few seconds, I mean about 20seconds and there you go, everything is ok.

Video Tutorial

Comment below if you have any question regarding this post, or you can appreciate me as well. Thanks
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